Wednesday, December 23, 2009

HNT a Xmas Wish

Happy HNT!
I'm heading off with hubby and my daughters for a fun filled Christmas Vacation. We will have a blast like we always do, but the down side is the lack of "adult time." So my wish is for us to somehow find a way to sneak off for a little quickie. Hmmm let me think "if I send the kids to the arcade, how many quarters will it take to keep them occupied?"
I hope you all have a fabulous Christmas and get all that you wish for.
My 3 wishes are for
FrancesandDaniel may this be the year that get to truly be together, and may it last forever
13messages- may he find peace, and less stress, and happiness with prosperity.
Whatamithinking- May she find some much needed love, true love, not the kind that brings you down, but the kind that brings laughter and meaning to your life, and may this love start within, because you're worth it!


  1. That's a super hot HNT ;)

    Merry Christmas!!


  2. Very sexy! Beautiful hair! Have a great time on your trip. Bring lots of quarters!

  3. Lovely picture!

    Have fun! Happy Holidays.

  4. what a sexy little piece of lingerie! and the girl in it is even better!!! thank you so much for your sweet wish for us. we've been blown over by the positive response to our situation. you're wonderful to think of us. happy holidays!

  5. Lovely pic. Love the peek of panty!

  6. ohhhhh
    excellent pic!
    very sexy.

    Great wishes too, have an awesome Christmas!

  7. Get a couple rolls of quarters, in case it's the best you ever had. Your picture is a million dollar pose!



Talk dirty to me.